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Are You Aware of the Different Strategies to Protect Income from Taxes?

We all know that earned income gets taxed in numerous ways, not only at the federal and state levels but also at the Social Security and Medicare, to name a few. It is also true that taxes are not easy to avoid, yet there are various ways to ward them off strategically. Check the following tax avoidance strategies for your best interest.

tax avoidance strategies

Aim for Long-term Capital Profits

Many do not understand that investing is one of the best ways of growing wealth. Apart from the benefit of putting your money in stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and bonds are a productive tax treatment for long-term capital profits. It must be understood that an investor with an asset for more than one year can enjoy a preferential tax rate of 0%, 15%, 20% on the capital benefit, based on your income level. In case your asset is held for less than 365 days before selling, the capital is going to be taxed as ordinary income rates. Moreover, it is very significant to develop an understanding of the difference between short-term and long-term capital benefits for growing wealth.

Start a Business

Do you know that a side business offers many tax benefits?

Yes, when used in the way of daily business, different expenses can be reduced from the income, which decreases the tax obligation. Furthermore, significant tax deductions are health insurance premiums. Besides, if someone firmly follows the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) guidelines, a business owner can subtract their home expenses along with the home office reduction. Also, the amount of internet and utilities used in the business process can be deducted from the income.

Invest in Municipal Bonds

What many do not know is investing in municipal bonds is about lending money to the state government and local authority. It is done for an established number of interest payments over a scheduled period. After the maturity date of the bond is reached, the entire amount of the original investment is given to the buyer. The main reason is that municipal bonds do not come under federal taxes as well as exempted from the state and local levels at the same time.

Furthermore, municipal bonds are always known for having low default rates compared to the corporate bond equivalents.

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